Picture of a fall landscape in sunset with "Back To School 2015 With Social Work Tech" in quotes. Photo credits at bottom of this post.

Back to School 2015 with Social Work Tech

Periscope Broadcast [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8Z5VCuEerQ&list=PLjc9CBzUqR6oSwSz0_DmZx0kcnJEV2FDH] Welcome to Fall… the end of summer, warm weather, and loafing. However, it also indicates a new beginning… of classes, cold weather, and pumpkin EVERYTHING (bread, coffee, candles, and beer). The fall is a great time for goal setting, starting anew, and for refocusing our energies to get us to the finish…

Social Work + Periscope = Win

[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bt-MZnIQ-o] The above broadcast happened after I outlined this article on a MindMeister map, which I then prompted on my computer monitor behind my iPhone’s camera. If you have time to watch the video versus reading this article, you’ll notice a HUUUUGE difference in tone, as you have casual versus serious, respectively, in the two…