Ignacio Pacheco is a clinical social worker and technology enthusiast from Monterey, CA. The opinions and ideas expressed on Social Work Tech are solely those of Ignacio Pacheco and do not reflect the opinions of Ignacio Pacheco’s employer(s) and/or affiliates.

Social Work Tech Safety Plan

Social Work Tech Safety Plan

By popular demand, I am posting this Safety Plan in my Social Work Tech Tools (and this post) for folks to look at and reference. Disclaimer (like, hella) Please note, this document is not a recommendation for practice or me telling you what to do for intervention. if you use this in your own practice,…

"A New Kind of Safety Plan" "Social Work Tech"

A New Kind of Safety Plan

As a clinical social worker, I often worry about my clients. Besides working with a higher-risk population that have had hospitalizions in the past year, I’m a human being and I care about my clients. I especially have a soft spot for people suffering with hopelessness, feelings of worthlessness, and depression. It’s a hell I’m…

Background is a pattern that is red and white stripes, a blue background with stars (like an American Flag). Superimposed is the logo for the Galactic Empire in juxtaposition to the logo for the Rebel Alliance. A banner, which has the "Social Work Tech" logo on the side, reads: "A Proportional Response"

A Proportional Response

The Presidential Election horrified the ever-living hell out of everyone I know. I wrote the following reflection as a personal note to my social work colleagues and I have modified it and posted it because it may do some good. For social workers that identify as progressive, LGBTQ, Muslim, Immigrant, Feminist, non-White, disabled, pro-choice, and/or…

"Get Home Safe" imposed on a picture of a dark road leading somewhere.

Get Home Safe

Every month, the licensing board in my state puts out a list of disciplinary actions that it has doled out to MFTs, Clinical Social Workers, and other practitioners of the behavioral sciences. I read every single one of those. It’s trashy, I know. It’s amazing what people do to lose their license (or put it in…

Cobra Bubbles, BAMFSW

This social work month, I have chosen to honor my favorite social worker ever: Cobra Bubbles, BAMFSW* [Editor’s note: If you haven’t seen Lilo and Stitch, stop everything you’re doing and do it before you read any further. That movie is so awesome and it’s on Netflix. Also: Spoiler Alert.] Why I Dig About Cobra…

Background: Fireworks. Text: "A Very Social Work Tech New Year! An Editorial By Social Work Tech".

A Very Social Work Tech New Year

Happy New Year! In 2015, I published nine whole articles! Nine articles. I started the year with a New Years resolution post and I wrote about how I use technology at work and for personal development. I also published a guide for learning new technology, and talked about Periscope, a tool that helps social workers…