Ignacio Pacheco is a clinical social worker and technology enthusiast from Monterey, CA. The opinions and ideas expressed on Social Work Tech are solely those of Ignacio Pacheco and do not reflect the opinions of Ignacio Pacheco’s employer(s) and/or affiliates.

Positive Changes :)

Please pardon my absence, as I have been incredibly busy doing a few things in my career. I have been busy utilizing my energies and developing my social work tech practice in my various workplaces. I work seven days a week now!

What is a Hack?

The Importance of Hacking To hack is to modify, improve, or circumvent something from it’s normal behaviors. Sometimes this can be very complicated and often means breaking pre-established rules, but the rewards can lead to increased efficiency, productivity, and have financial benefits (such as reduced costs). In essence, hacking is sort of a short-cut to…