This social work month, I have chosen to honor my favorite social worker ever: Cobra Bubbles, BAMFSW*
[Editor’s note: If you haven’t seen Lilo and Stitch, stop everything you’re doing and do it before you read any further. That movie is so awesome and it’s on Netflix. Also: Spoiler Alert.]
Why I Dig About Cobra
Cobra is a Bold Awesome Model For Social Workers – a BAMFSW*. He demonstrates good boundaries, dignity, and fairness when intervening with Lilo, Stitch, and their caregiver, Nani.
Disney Animators cast made the character a person of color that I could relate to.

A Model of Dignity
There were several instances in Lilo and Stitch where Cobra keeps his cool and where I would have terminated services as a result of countertransference. When Nani called him a “Stupidhead”, he did not retaliate or hold it against her.

Good with Children
I love that he literally (physically) got down to Lilo’s level to talk to her. He doesn’t question her use of Voodoo and I think understands the bio-psycho-social context of Lilo’s predicament.

In spite of being a “special kind of social worker”, Cobra dresses the part. He is quite dapper, wearing a nice suit and sunglasses. Standing erect, he exudes confidence.

A Model of Patience and Forgiveness
And then there was the time that Lilo’s “dog” attacked Cobra.

Cobra has ink!
Makes me long for the day when social workers with tattoos no longer have to cover them up.
Diffusing Uncomfortable Conversations and Putting Up Boundaries

When Lilo asks Cobra if he’s ever killed anybody, he is firm as he returns to the topic of conversation, completely diffusing and uncomfortable conversation.
Being Firm, Fair, and Consistent
Several times in the movie, we see that Cobra has told Nani exactly what needs to happen for the sake of Lilo’s safety. This includes the ultimate decision he makes towards the end of the movie. (Also he did lose his cool at the end, but what social worker hasn’t?)
Use of Relationships
The best advice ever is that relationships are important to have with people. At the end of the movie, we see that Cobra negotiates with another organization to come to a favorable conclusion for both parties.

Right on, Cobra. You are a paradigm of excellence.
*If you need the actual translation of this, please tweet me.