Background is a pattern that is red and white stripes, a blue background with stars (like an American Flag). Superimposed is the logo for the Galactic Empire in juxtaposition to the logo for the Rebel Alliance. A banner, which has the "Social Work Tech" logo on the side, reads: "A Proportional Response"

A Proportional Response

The Presidential Election horrified the ever-living hell out of everyone I know. I wrote the following reflection as a personal note to my social work colleagues and I have modified it and posted it because it may do some good. For social workers that identify as progressive, LGBTQ, Muslim, Immigrant, Feminist, non-White, disabled, pro-choice, and/or…

"Get Home Safe" imposed on a picture of a dark road leading somewhere.

Get Home Safe

Every month, the licensing board in my state puts out a list of disciplinary actions that it has doled out to MFTs, Clinical Social Workers, and other practitioners of the behavioral sciences. I read every single one of those. It’s trashy, I know. It’s amazing what people do to lose their license (or put it in…

Cobra Bubbles, BAMFSW

This social work month, I have chosen to honor my favorite social worker ever: Cobra Bubbles, BAMFSW* [Editor’s note: If you haven’t seen Lilo and Stitch, stop everything you’re doing and do it before you read any further. That movie is so awesome and it’s on Netflix. Also: Spoiler Alert.] Why I Dig About Cobra…

Background: Fireworks. Text: "A Very Social Work Tech New Year! An Editorial By Social Work Tech".

A Very Social Work Tech New Year

Happy New Year! In 2015, I published nine whole articles! Nine articles. I started the year with a New Years resolution post and I wrote about how I use technology at work and for personal development. I also published a guide for learning new technology, and talked about Periscope, a tool that helps social workers…