To The Graduating Class of 2016…
In spite of 2016 taking our beloved Snape, Bowie, and Prince, you freaking did it. For a lot of people, it’s been a tough year. I certainly hope that you can bask in the glory of your achievement.
Congratulations on making it this far, whatever your degree or level of degree you achieved. Your sleepless nights, tears, sacrifice, and debt have not been for naught. You’re a social worker, but with a piece of paper that says you put in the time and work for the degree you earned. Your diploma is not just a piece of paper, but a symbol of your education.
Your work’s not over, though. If you have your bachelor’s I’d strongly advocate for you to put in two years worth of work before going to go get your Union card… your master’s degree – it’s not for everyone and it’s another two year commitment, but with two years in the field, you’ll figure out whether or not you want to keep going. If you have your master’s degree, I strongly suggest going for your license if you’re going to practice in the field, or an advanced degree if you want to stay in academia or contribute to research.
Be proud, no matter how exhausted, burnt out, or broke you may be right now. Rest up, recharge, and know that you have a bright future ahead right now. Keep in touch with colleagues, mend your relationships with family, and have faith for the new gig you’ll be starting or that you’ll (hopefully) soon acquire.
So keep your head up and keep going. It’s a new journey with it’s glories and challenges. Remember always that you’re a social worker and that you have the ability and experience to get out of tough situations and that you have folks that have supported you this far.
Long may you reign.