An overview of technology tools that I use in social work practice.
DorleeM had asked the following question that was not posted on her article and that I thought would be very useful on the Social Work Tech Blog.
Not long ago, you were one of the early adopters of google plus. However, recently, you decided to pull the plug. Could you share with us what happened?
I received the following email from a colleague. Dear Iggy, I’m the type of user who likes to use as few sites as possible, but maximize the use of each application. I’m a little OCD about clutter and this especially is applied to digital clutter. I’m comparing the merits of Evernote vs Dropbox. I’m not convinced that…
I can’t begin to tell you how envious I am of most of you returning back to school, for I miss it very much! Each of the four semesters I was in graduate school, my school of social work required us to submit a process recording. For the unfamiliar, a process recording is a document…
I have been working as a case manager for the last few weeks and I have come across some great tech sites that Social Work Tech practioners can benefit from – I believe that these may help you and your clients as you help them to move forward!
I have been working incredibly hard to finish my semester and I am two assignments away from finishing all of my work as a Master of Social Work student! I’m so close, I can taste it! Three of my colleagues and I went down to Greenfield, CA to interview a young woman from a center…
The Need For Practicality Sometimes, we as social workers have very good interventions that are sitting in our notepads, filing cabinets, or books we have purchased. Sometimes they are on other peoples’ blogs. What if I told you that you could easily access some interventions quickly, easily, and without distraction? Without having to get up…
I love Square. Square is a company out of San Francisco, CA that helps the average Jane or Joe to process credit card payments. In other words, everyone can now accept credit cards on their mobile device without having to sign up for a credit-card terminal, which often requires a contract for a certain amount of…
Today I am going to introduce Google Documents to the social workers that read this blog and may not know how to use it.
Auditory Appreciation I’m the type of person that loves to listen to audio, be it music, broadcast, radio. Maybe it’s the social worker in me that loves to listen, decipher, analyze, contemplate, re-frame, and visualize without actually being in the time and place that the client was at in the story they’re telling me.
In my Health/Mental Health in Social Work Practice class the other day, we were given an vignette to read and analyze. As my group discussed the case, I worked on compiling a genogram: Read more, after the break!
Many of you probably don’t use Google Reader or know what RSS is, but I’m here to help.
Evernote is a free service that allows you to take and store notes in different formats – text, image (picture/scanned), or audio.
This is an art exercise that I made while completing my first year MSW internship! 🙂 The child draws out his or her name on the canvass however they want The child draws stars out Inside the stars, the child will write out things that they value Easy-peasy on the iPad with the kids I…
The Unofficial Apple Weblog recently posted an article about Five Applications for the Conference-goer. One of them stood out and its free! Contxt is a service that acts as a digital business card and the basic features of free for this service. Well, technically freemium. Freemium means that it’s basic features are free, but more…
My iPad and I make quite the dynamic duo when it comes to practicing social work. I’m not going to hide the fact that I’m an Apple fanboy. When I saw the iPad come out, I was dismayed with it’s lack of USB port, no Adobe Flash playing capabilities, and virtual keyboard. Despite this, I…