I have seen many people reflecting negatively on the year 2011 on the various social media sites that I frequent.
Social Work Tech Blog has had an amazing year and I credit you, the faithful reader, follower, and colleague.
Quality Blog Articles
I have posted approximately 28 blog posts in the year 2011. Although I wish that number was higher, I am very proud of the work that I have done, as they are a time-consuming labor of love.
- January: My iPad and Me in Social Work Practice… Chapter 2: Video Testimonial – Using my iPad in Social Work Practice
- February: My Psychoeducational Films – An overview of an intervention I made for my final-year MSW field placement
- March: Keeping it Low-Tech with Field Notes Brand – Why I choose low-tech over trying to take notes on my iPad
- April: The Biggest Favor You Could Ever Do For Yourself as an MSW or BSW Student [Dropbox] – A warning to back up your files!
- May: Making a Self-Care Plan [on Brushes for iPad] – The most-read post in 2011!
- June: The Award-Winning iggyp: Psychoeducation Video Project [Intervention] – An overview of the end result of the intervention I presented in February
- July: Social Work Tech Practice: Digital Resources on the Web – July 2011 –
- August: Observing Your Session Using Tech Tools –
- September: 10 Ideas for Using Evernote in Social Work Practice – Expanding your social work practice!
- October: Ask Iggy: Using Dropbox Vs. Evernote – an Iggy-explanation of how I use two great (free!) services!
- November: Your Online Identity Scares Me: Social Work and Online Behaviors
- December: App Review: Meditation Apps by Meditation Oasis for Social Work Practice
Views on My Blog
I haven’t yet gotten my end-of-the-year summary from WordPress telling me how many Air Carriers worth of viewers have come here, but it has been a lot!
I have had several days in a row of 100+ views and it is very astounding and encouraging!
Connections to Awesome Colleagues
Through Twitter, I have made some very wonderful connections! (Please See my Thank Yous below).
A special thanks to @DorleeM who interviewed me for her blog!
I Got My MSW!

Can you find the error!?
Two years in graduate school went by like a cake-walk, although forementioned statement negates all of the blood, sweat, and tears that I put into my degree. Nevertheless, between finishing up final projects, preparing for graduation, running out of financial aid, and finding a new job, I made it! I am very happy that I worked as hard as I have to have made it!
Check out the final-year and award-winning final-year field project!
I got business cards!
Thank You’s
Thank you to everyone that has ever stopped by, subscribed, liked my page on Facebook, left a comment, retweeted me, sent me an email, and/or have had a supporting thought in your being for my website.
Thank you to my colleagues that have told other colleagues about my blog.
Thank you to the colleagues that have seen this blog and have learned something from this blog that you considered or implmented.
DrHubaEvaluator: Thank you for your wonderful support of me and for all the interesting links you tweet!
SocialWorkPodcast: Thank you for another year of a wonderful podcast that everyone should be listening to!
TheNewSocialWorker: Thank you for a wonderful periodical that I love reading on my iPad! (see what I did there!? 🙂 )
Looking Forward to 2012
I’m hoping to accomplish a few things in 2012!
I hope to:
1. Update at least monthly, with the hope that I can post at least twice per month!
2. Continue building HackSocialWork, my side-project that is not so much technology-oriented, but a site in which I can teach social workers to be the best at social work practice!
3. Continue stimulating your thought and creativity!
4. Review more apps, software, gadgets that can help you with your social work practice!
5. Provide more free content to add to your social work toolbox/toolkit!
6. Finish an ebook about social work, technology, and things in which I have expertise.
Great post and great achievement 🙂 Thank you for the mention (that’s my ego stuff out of the way) but much much more importantly, thanks for sharing with me and with everyone your knowledge, insight and understanding which has made this such an important blog and space. Social Work needs tech and sometimes we need dragging into the 21st century and you remind us of that.
Here’s to another year and an even better 2012! Happy New Year 🙂
Congratulations on achieving all your wonderful milestones this year, Iggy! And thank you for taking the time and effort for sharing your knowledge and technical know-how with all of us!
I see only more milestones and achievements in your path 🙂
(also, thank you for your kind mention)
Iggy, thank you for the work you put into every post on this blog! And congrats on your 2011 accomplishments. Here’s to a great year in 2012!
I recently ran across your blog and I love how you incorporate tech with social work practice! It only seems appropriate that you graduated with your masters from the only MSW program in the Silicon Valley! Congratulations!
As for the error in your diploma, is it the fact that Arnold was no longer governor at the time (I have his signature on both my diplomas)?
Please check out my blog if you’re interested. I think it’s great to find fellow social work bloggers from the Bay Area!
I think Silicon Valley also encapsulates SFSU, CSU East Bay, and UC Berkeley 🙂
And you got the answer correct! I’ll email you at the email I have for you when you left your comment! Will check your blog out, gladly!