A blog about social work, technology, and empowerment.

Thanks for checking out Social Work Tech! I want all Social Workers to understand technology tools and utilize them so that we can be better organized and improve assessment, diagnosing, delivery of intervention, and promote personal and professional development.

Check out my blog posts about gadgets I’m using, opinions, and reflections on technology and social work. You can also check out tools I’ve made and a podcast I’m trying out. Follow the things I’m doing on social media or contact me if you want to get in touch!

Social Work Tech: Empowering Social Work

Cobra Bubbles, BAMFSW

This social work month, I have chosen to honor my favorite social worker ever: Cobra Bubbles, BAMFSW* [Editor’s note: If you haven’t seen Lilo and Stitch, stop everything you’re doing and do it before you read any further. That movie is so awesome and it’s on Netflix. Also: Spoiler Alert.] Why I Dig About Cobra…

Background: Fireworks. Text: "A Very Social Work Tech New Year! An Editorial By Social Work Tech".

A Very Social Work Tech New Year

Happy New Year! In 2015, I published nine whole articles! Nine articles. I started the year with a New Years resolution post and I wrote about how I use technology at work and for personal development. I also published a guide for learning new technology, and talked about Periscope, a tool that helps social workers…

Picture of a fall landscape in sunset with "Back To School 2015 With Social Work Tech" in quotes. Photo credits at bottom of this post.

Back to School 2015 with Social Work Tech

Periscope Broadcast [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8Z5VCuEerQ&list=PLjc9CBzUqR6oSwSz0_DmZx0kcnJEV2FDH] Welcome to Fall… the end of summer, warm weather, and loafing. However, it also indicates a new beginning… of classes, cold weather, and pumpkin EVERYTHING (bread, coffee, candles, and beer). The fall is a great time for goal setting, starting anew, and for refocusing our energies to get us to the finish…


Social Work + Periscope = Win

[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bt-MZnIQ-o] The above broadcast happened after I outlined this article on a MindMeister map, which I then prompted on my computer monitor behind my iPhone’s camera. If you have time to watch the video versus reading this article, you’ll notice a HUUUUGE difference in tone, as you have casual versus serious, respectively, in the two…
